Structural and Steel Products, Inc. headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, manufactures and distributes products used in the highway construction end-market, including overhead sign structures, guardrails, crash cushions, lighting poles and bridge decking.

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New Highland Baptist Church Bell Tower

  /    /  New Highland Baptist Church Bell Tower
NHBC’s bell tower is an icon. When our last pastor arrived, he would tell people that he worked for New Highland Baptist Church, and he repeatedly heard this question, “The church with the bell tower?” That led him to suggest that we update our logo with a bell tower (included below), since the tower is obviously a large part of our identity in the community. When our first bell tower burned down, neighbors would call to let us know how much they missed the bells playing, and let’s be honest, how much they missed the cell service. But last week when the bells began playing again, we received calls and comments from neighbors expressing how happy they are to hear them again. When I drive to work in the morning and see the soaring tower among the trees before I arrive, I smile. The bell tower had definitely been missed, and NHBC is glad to have it stand once more.

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